In memory of Dr. Evgeny Syroechkovskiy 1968-2022
We have lost our Russian partner
Evgeny Syroechkovskiy was the first contact person for our foundation in Russia: idea giver, initiator and implementer of our peatland rewetting projects. He was an enthusiastic ornithologist and, together with our colleague Dr. Christoph Zöckler, worked for decades on research and conservation concepts for the endangered spoon-billed sandpiper (see project page).
Most recently, in their "Spoon billed sandpiper taskforce", both of them had spanned a 12-country network of committed conservationists and willing governments, successfully helping not only this species, but all waders that use the same coastal wetlands for resting and breeding, to preserve their habitat in many cases.
Evgeny was appreciated by us as a reliable, friendly person and was one of the best friends of our colleague Christoph.