Myeik Myanmar


This site is currently under construction. 

Ramsar Sites and Biosphere Reserves in Myanmar

Great Success: Several years after the foundation started engaging in the project area in Myanmar, two valuable coastal biotopes have been recognized as Ramsar sites!

The foundation was thus able to secure the most important Burmese overwintering area for the Spoon-Billed Sandpiper in the Gulf of Mottama. Manfred-Hermsen-Stiftung is dedicated to protect these migrating wading birds on  Asia's coasts from Siberia to Bangladesh.

1) Golf of Mottama 
    – New Ramsar site, Wintering area of the Spoon-Billed Sandpiper

2) Meinmahla Kyun im Ayeyarwaddy Delta
    – Ramsar site and planned Biosphere Reserve

3) Myeik Archipelago
    – Ramsar site and planned Biosphere Reserve


Myanmar Ramsargebiete

In the Gulf of Mottama (1) the designation of the most important wintering area of the Spoon-billed Sandpiper as a Ramsar site  is an important stepstone. Please see here for more information: Project Asian coastal zones.

Ayeyarwaddy Delta (2): In this delta 80% of mangroves are already lost or degraded. Only small remains are preserved as "Wildlife Sanctuary", such as the area of Meinmahla Kyun. This last mangrove retreat, together with the surrounding mudflats of a total of 50,000 ha, is now also designated as a new Ramsar site. Overall, the number of Ramsar sites in the country increases to four. This coastal area with its surroundings is particularly well suited as a biosphere reserve, whose development we are working on with our local partners. The award of the Ramsar convention is a decisive factor.

Myeik Archipelago (3): Further south in Taninthary, the border region to Thailand, there are still huge, often undisturbed mangrove forests, mud flats, forest islands and coral reefs. Here also we have stimulated planning and initial discussions to develop extensive coastal areas into a biosphere reserve. For this highly vulnerable area around the region of Myeik we have already carried out surveys and first workshops with local NGOs and the University. The creation of Man and &Biosphere Reserves is a lengthy process and requires perseverance and the cooperation of many partners.

More information

Press release Gulf of Mottama, 15.05.2017
Press release Ayeyarwady River, 23.02.2017
Press release Meinmahla Kyun, 2.02.2017
Press release Tanintharyi, 27.12.2017
Press release Myeik Archipelago, 2.12.2016 

Report "Water Bird Survey of the Southern Myeik Archipelago"